Assorted Greeting Cards - Selection of 8

Assorted Greeting Cards - Selection of 8
Select any 8 greeting cards (with envelopes) from any of the collections! All images are reproductions of Pam’s original acrylic paintings and painted collages.
All cards are blank inside and measure 5.5” x 4.25” (14 x 11 cm). The backs are stamped with the All Hands Art logo.
To help you choose them by name, here’s the key:
Photo #2 shows the “Moon” set; clockwise from top left they are:
Glitter Moon
Alone But Not Lonely
City Dreams (lower left)
Photo #3 shows the “Neighbors” set; clockwise from top left they are:
Little Red House
Walking Shoes
Helping Hand (lower left)
Photo #4 shows the “Garden” set; clockwise from top left they are:
Sunshine on a Stem
The Chase
Vera (lower left)
Photo #5 shows the “Girlfriends” set; clockwise from top left they are:
Coffee Time
Traveling Gal
May Cause Dizziness
Balance (lower left)
Once you click “Add to cart” you’ll be transported to a page where you can mark which images you want. ✨
Contact me ( if you’d like to further customize your set or buy in a different quantity. You may also inquire about bulk or wholesale orders.
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