Art Workshops & Events

Check out the calendar page here for classes and events coming up in the Portland, Oregon area.

I’m Pam Consear, a teaching artist based in Portland, Oregon. Sort of a “Jill-of-all-trades,” I offer workshops in mosaic and other forms of creative reuse, as well as realistic painting and drawing classes, and also doodling, art journaling, and collage painting, which are more free-form.

Want to stay in the loop? I recommend joining my email list. 🙌🏽

Here’s a sampling of workshops I teach:

Drawing On-Site at the Museum or Gallery
Using artwork exhibited in a local art museum or gallery as our models, we will practice the skills required for realistic drawing—namely, learning to see. Side benefits of the class include interacting with the inspiring works of accomplished artists, and exploring some of the Arts resources our city has to offer. Can be offered as a one-time workshop, but works best as a series of 3 to 8 sessions.

Doodle Your Way Out of Stuckness
Through activities from Pam’s book by the same name, we will explore ways that moving our pens around the page can help us move ourselves out of the ruts and overwhelm we often get stuck in. This class is perfect for the “artistically challenged,” as well as those with rusty creative skills, or anyone yearning for more creative ways of living. Can be a one-time workshop or a series of up to 8 sessions.

Art Journaling
Discover creative, personalized ways to document life events, explore issues and emotions, or simply play around with colors, images and text. Ignite your imagination on the page. Class includes demos and quiet work time. Can be a one-time workshop or a series of up to 8 sessions.

Intro to Collage Painting
Learn methods for combining acrylic painting with magazine images, old book pages, sheet music, ticket stubs and other ephemera to create colorful, personalized artworks. For beginners and those looking for an accessible way to spark their creativity. Can be a one-time workshop, but works best as a series of 3 to 8 sessions.

Creative Framing Solutions for Artwork
Do you have artwork piling up at home -- yours, or pieces you've purchased -- because you're avoiding the high cost of professional framing? Discover inventive ways to frame and display art using affordable materials and your ingenuity. Can be offered as a one-time information-inspiration class, or a 2-part hands-on workshop where I’ll guide and assist you in framing your artwork on Day 2.

Mosaic Basics
Have a boring or blighted backyard wall you’d like to embellish? Looking to add color and interest to a garden path? This 2-part, project-based workshop offers an introduction to broken-tile mosaics. You’ll come away from Day 2 with a small finished mosaic for the garden or mantle, and skills you can apply to other projects. The possibilities are endless!

Faces and Figures with Found Objects
In this hands-on workshop, we’ll explore a collection of found treasures and exercise our creative muscles by asking “what else could this be?” Pretty soon hose nozzles become bird beaks and washers make obvious eyes… or open mouths or hair curls. You get the idea. Faces and figures (people or animal shapes) are a starting point, but you can go in any direction you choose. Can be a one-time workshop or a series of sessions.

Jewelry-Making with Salvaged Treasures
Choosing from an imagination-tickling array of cast-off hardware, beads, shells, game pieces, coins, and other small objects, you’ll learn simple wire-wrapping techniques to create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. Like all forms of up-cycled art, jewelry-making is about finding inspiration, demystifying processes, and giving yourself permission to experiment. It’s not about “learning the correct way,” but rather, unleashing your creativity to make jewelry YOUR way. Can be a one-time workshop or a series of sessions.

Ready to start planning your workshop with me? Use the contact form at the bottom of this page👇🏽 or email me: .

Buy a Whole Darn Workshop!

Workshop Packages are now available for purchase in my online shop. Click here to check ‘em out. They’re like scheduling a private art party with me. 🎨🎉

Oh, and did you hear about my superpower?

Don't worry if you or your people are full of creative anxiety. Those are my people too; I used to be one of them. And I still struggle with perfectionism and have to quiet those critical voices in my head—I get it. I love helping others move through their artistic hang-ups (so many of us have them) and not just make stuff but find joy, connection, and healing in the process. I have a special place in my heart for—and a great track record with—the artistically skeptical and the creatively insecure. 🥰

Since around 2005 I’ve led more than 5,000 people just like you in community mural projects, classroom art exercises, and studio workshops. Whether it’s you alone, or a group of three or 300, I’m ready to get you making, instead of thinking and worrying about making. 🙌🏽

Check out the photos below for ideas. There’s a form you can fill out at the bottom of this page to get the ball rolling.