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Episode 16: Rituals as Daily Gifts

Picture if you will...…

It’s July 2020. We’re four months into the COVID-19 shutdown, and I’ve grown squishy and lethargic. Each morning I drag myself out of bed at an hour when you are probably already at work, and I feel sh*tty about the 35 minutes I’ve just spent on Instagram while horizontal under the covers. Before my feet hit the floor I’m arguing with myself — again — about my worthiness as a grown-up.

It was not a good scene. It also didn’t seem like “me.” I was tired of beginning each day feeling off and already behind. It’s like I would repeatedly dig a hole for myself, and have to climb out of it just to reach the starting line. Every damn day.

Frustration (at its best) Drives Transformation

The place I sought help was kind of a whim, but I’ve learned not to question the quiet inklings of my soul.

In today’s episode of the Accidental Muralist Podcast, I tell the story of how I accidentally transformed my mornings into … something completely different. YES, I often still struggle to get out of my warm bed! But once I’m up, I’m home free. (That’s how my mornings feel now, actually — like home, and like freedom.)

Even though they’re kinda private, I’m sharing my morning rituals with you as a way of inviting you to infuse your own days with spaciousness and connection. Remember what we talked about last month? If you want a change, you have the agency to make it happen.

Episode 16, also known as “Season 2: Episode 2”

This episode ushers us into module two of heART❤️SCHOOL. Our word this month is ritual. Enjoy the 52-ish minute listen, then I hope you’ll consider experimenting with some of the homework below. 🤓

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Rituals as Daily Gifts Pam Consear of


Since we’re in school 😉, here are your completely optional assignments:

  1. Try out a new daily ritual! Vet it thoroughly to make sure it feels like a gift and not a should. The idea is to add beauty and wonder into your day, not bog down your to-do list.

  2. Create an altar. I made one, first, on top of a cabinet in the corner of my studio. Over time I realized it was usually blocked by an easel and I was basically ignoring it. So then I made one on a tray that I can set in front of me when I want it there, and put it in its special place on the shelf when I’m not using it. I love it! In the episode I describe what’s on my altar, and the photo above gives you a peek.

  3. Send me a photo that depicts an element of your altar and/or your ritual. I’ll include it in my next PICTURES post on October 13th. (By sending it to me, you are giving me permission to publish it unless you specifically ask me not to.)

Episode Notes

> Here’s the graphic I mention when describing how I do sun salutations. It’s my hybrid “Salutation to the Natural World.”

> The two resources I combined to create this Salutation are: 1. the sun salutation described in Acharya Shunya’s book, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom, and 2. Robin Wall Kimmerer’s account of the Hautenosaunee Thanksgiving Address in her essay “Allegiance to Gratitude” in the life-giving, life-loving book, Braiding Sweetgrass. (More recommended homework, my friends, if you haven’t yet read it!)

> I refer to teachings and books by Clarissa Pinkola-Estés, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves. What I love even more is her set of CDs from the Dangerous Old Woman series published by Sounds True. ❤️

> I also mention and quote Michael Meade, one my favorite podcasters, mythologists, and storytellers. I turn to his work when I feel despair about the condition of the world. I highly recommend his weekly Living Myth Podcast.

Thanks for Being Here

Once again I’m grateful that you’re here, reading and perhaps listening to my offerings. By sharing what’s important to me, I hope to prompt more conversations about things that matter. You matter, in case no one has told you that today. Your days matter. All the choices you make throughout your days add up to a life, and that matters, too.

Warm salutations,

See this content in the original post

P.S. Speaking of coffee… Portland-area folks, you’re invited to come doodle with me at Cafe Eleven this Saturday from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. The event is free, but you’ll need to purchase your own beverage. 😉☕️🎨✏️See flyer below.

P.P.S. That “Buy Pam a coffee” button is a little economic experiment I’m trying. It takes you to my page on where, if you’d like, you can make a small contribution to show appreciation for my (unpaid) work of blogging and podcasting.