Episode 2: Your "Someday" Toolkit
The day we’ve all been waiting for.
Even THIS Dark Cloud Has a Silver Lining
Your life has most surely been disrupted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Without making light of the serious medical threats, I’m here today to highlight an opportunity.
It’s called “Someday” and it has arrived, all of a sudden.
As in:
Someday I‘ll take up painting again, when I have more time.
Someday I want to learn to play guitar, but right now I’m too busy.
Someday I’ll start writing a memoir, as soon as my schedule allows it.
[insert your “someday” plans here] [and your qualifying excuse here]
Chances are that you’re one of the millions of people who’ve been given the bizarre and unasked for gift of MORE TIME. No more commute to work. Perhaps no more work. Life as you knew it has been put on hold.
Let’s harness this moment.
Episode 2 of the Accidental Muralist Podcast is about navigating your Someday. See, I’ve been there. I’ve transitioned from “here’s my normal life as a teacher/wife/mother” to my someday dream of being a professional artist and entrepreneurial role model for my kids (which is my new normal). What I struggled to learn along my 30-year journey to Someday, I’m passing along to YOU in three important steps.
It’s not a “3 Quick-and-Easy Steps to Your Dream Job” kind of offering, cause that doesn’t exist in the real world. It’s more like a 3-sectioned toolkit for meeting the obstacles you’ll be faced with on the road to making your art—or to making your art a more central part of your life. Which is what your Soul has been asking for.
Listen here: