Hey, guess what? πŸ›«βœ¨πŸš‡βœ¨πŸš—


Hey Dreamer,

Here’s the scoop: I have some travel coming up so we’ll be taking a little vacation from my emails, you and me.

I won’t be recording a podcast episode this month, so look here on my website or here on Apple Podcasts to catch up on ones you might have missed.

Same with my blog, which you can find archived here. And if you’ve never perused my website, well, what are you waiting for? Take a gander here.

I expect to be back in your inbox on Sunday, April 23rd with the next episode of the Accidental Muralist Podcast.

Here’s to adventures big and small,

(Image: detail from a collage painting called β€œNatalie Turns Five” from a while back; Natalie is 24 now. πŸ’«)

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