Week 19: White, but not plain
Week 18: Celadon
Week 17: Sapphire!
Two-fer! Reinventing Myself Again: Part Two + Week 16: Houses
art process, art project, Color-a-Week Project, organizing, organizing things &..., the school of lifehandygalstudiosBerkeley, big sticky messes, BNI, happy place, non-judgmental, Oakland, organizing, personal organizer, professional organizer, psychological clutter
Reinventing Myself Again: Part One
art project, contest, organizing stuff and t..., the creative process, UncategorizedhandygalstudiosBerkeley, BNI, business branding, HandyGal, healthy choice, networking, Oakland, organizing, peace corps, personal organizer, professional organizer
Week 15: "It just needs some MAGENTA."
Week 13: New Year, New Page
Week 12: All That Glitters Is Gold