All Hands Art

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a Brainstorm, Photographed

Since January 2020 I’ve been publishing WORDS (a written blog post) on the 3rd, PICTURES on the 13th, and SOUND (videos or a podcast episode) on the 23rd of each month. It took me nine years to find a blogging schedule that works, so I’m sticking with it! Welcome to this PICTURES post.

I can see it taking shape.

Things are coming together. Starting to fit into place, make sense, feel aligned.

Here’s a preview of what’s in the works, from me to you, beginning (do I dare say it??) with my next dispatch.

A teaser, if you will. 🧐

I am humbled and grateful that you’re here on this “page” with me — both the screen version of a page, and this page in history. Meet me here next time to hear about some new experiments I’m dreaming up. They’re sure to spark interesting conversations and exchanges!

Keep finding beauty — and places to cool off 😅,